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Welcome to the RBC Global Asset Management site for Institutional Investors

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This RBC Global Asset Management (U.S.) Website is intended for institutional investors only.

For purposes of this Website, the term "Institutional" includes but is not limited to sophisticated non-retail investors such as investment companies, banks, insurance companies, investment advisers, plan sponsors, endowments, government entities, high net worth individuals and those acting on behalf of institutional investors. The Website contains information, material and content about RBC Global Asset Management (collectively, the “Information”).

The Website and the Information are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer, solicitation or invitation to buy or sell a security, any other product or service, or to participate in any particular trading strategy. The Website and the Information are not directed at or intended for use by any person resident or located in any jurisdiction where (1) the distribution of such information or functionality is contrary to the laws of such jurisdiction or (2) such distribution is prohibited without obtaining the necessary licenses and such authorizations have not been obtained. Investment strategies may not be eligible for sale or available to residents of certain countries or certain categories of investors.

The Information is provided without regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific recipient and does not constitute investment, tax, accounting or legal advice. Recipients are strongly advised to make an independent review with an investment professional and reach their own conclusions regarding the investment merits and risks, legal, credit, tax and accounting aspects of any transactions.

Accept Decline

As stewards of our clients’ assets, we are committed to ensuring that the issuers in which we invest act in alignment with the long-term interests of our clients.

This means conveying to issuers and regulatory bodies our views on topics such as board structure, executive compensation, gender diversity, and climate change, where material.

Fiduciary duty

Proxy voting is a key part of our engagement process as it provides an important way for us to convey our views to boards and management. As an asset manager, RBC GAM has an obligation to act in the best interests of our clients, including segregated client accounts and investment funds. Voting responsibly is part of our fiduciary duty, and we make our voting decisions independently and in accordance with our custom Proxy Voting Guidelines.

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Proxy voting guidelines

Through our internal expertise and resources and in consultation with leading independent research firms, we have established the RBC GAM Proxy Voting Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) to govern the exercise of our voting rights. We review and update our Guidelines on an ongoing basis as corporate governance best practices evolve. Our Guidelines are published for the information of our clients and to assist issuers in understanding the rationale behind our proxy votes.

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2022 Proxy voting statistics: records of our vote history over the calendar year

Direct engagements: totaled over 1,800 engagements discussing climate change, plastic waste, health and safety, and more

Collaborative initiatives: active participation in initiatives focused on ESG integration

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